
A long term investor based overseas. C C Land are the owner’s representative.

35,000 sq ft across five storeys (Ground + 4 Floors).

Currently from c69 persons (Monday & Friday) up to c119 persons (Tuesday – Thursday).  The existing building has maximum capacity of c540 persons.

One Chapel Place comprised two buildings, the east building was developed in the 1920s whilst the west building was completed in 1983. They were amalgamated into one building as part the 1983 major redevelopmentSince then the building has undergone some refurbishments and was extended and extensively remodelled in 2011. There has been no significant investment into One Chapel Place following the 2011 remodelling.

It is outdated and is not capable of providing accommodation which meets the needs of modern office occupiers when the current tenants leave in 2028. The existing building has low ceiling heights and high window cills which result in poor daylighting and poor views out. The 6m grid is not appropriate for modern office tenants as it creates inflexible floorspace and there is limited end of journey facilities. The existing lightwell around part of the building and change in level between the ground floor and the external pavement means the there is a lack of connection with the public realm. Lastly the existing 1920’s structural frame is fully carbonated which limits it’s lifespan and could potentially lead to future issues requiring ongoing and intrusive maintenance. 

The building is not listed but is within the Harley Street Conservation Area. The Conservation Area Audit (2008) identifies the building as 3 differing elements: 

– 1920s North Elevation “Unlisted building of merit”  

– 1920s East Elevation “Neutral buildings” 

– 1980s Building “Negative buildings” 

The existing use is offices and planning policy identifies a significant need for additional high quality office accommodation and office jobs in the immediate area. 

We have explored various refurbishment and extension options and arrived at the conclusion that demolition and new build realises the potential and is the optimum solution for this site. Refurbishment will not allow us to help deliver the much needed high quality office space expected by modern office occupiers and won’t allow us to realise any of the public realm benefits that a new build would. 

The existing basement will be retained and the existing façade materials will be recycled and re-used within the proposed new façade and public realm 

The 1920s building is not capable of providing accommodation which meets the needs of modern office occupiers.  The extent of alterations required compromises the essence of the 1920’s building and delivers an improved but inferior office product which cannot be guaranteed beyond a 25 year lifespanRetention is expensive in carbon terms, particularly the dropping of the ground floor slab to connect with the public realm, compared to a redevelopment with a 100-125 year lifespan. Whilst we are not retaining the 1920’s façade we are planning on dismantling it and re-imaging it with our new scheme.  

  1. Optimise the potential of the site whilst respecting it’s setting
  2. Provide a high quality working environment respecting the health and wellbeing of occupants and visitors alike
  3. Drive a ‘Fabric First’ ethos to low energy design, including the future potential for mixed-mode ventilation, reducing energy demand in the first instance rather than rely on the decarbonisation of the grid to facilitate long-term operational performance fit for the modern ESG-led tenant.
  4. The passive approach to energy reduction drives an optimised building services strategy, which will be 100% electric HVAC, allowing the new low-energy development to rapidly decarbonise over time.
  5. Utilise materials with a low embodied CO2e content, including significant re-use and recycled materials from the existing structures
  6. Minimise CO2 emissions and eradicated pollution associated with fossil fuels – NOx, particulate matter
  7. The proposal will seek a net zero outcome, looking to maximise on site opportunities to minimise energy consumption and associated emissions, with offsetting treated as a last resort after taking the steps identified above to reduce operational and embodied emissions within the context of the projects whole life carbon strategy, with residual unavoidable emissions offset in accordance with an approved industry standard for Net Zero.
  8. Offer local evaporative cooling and control of surface water run off via provision of green roof structures and other attenuation measures
  9. Align with the industry leading BREEAM standard to an Outstanding rating, and seeking best practice performance under the WELL and NABERS standards
  10. Adopting circular economy principles by dismantling and reusing façade materials and designing in circular economy capabilities. A large percentage of the materials from demolition will be recycled where possible.

Yes. The proposals comprise 73,000 sq ft.

Eleven storeys (Ground + 9 Floors + roof terrace).

The existing use is offices and planning policy identifies a significant need for additional high quality office accommodation and office jobs in the immediate area.  

The existing building will be obsolete and refurbishment and extension cannot deliver the required high quality office accommodation.  

Given the scarcity of opportunities within the central activities zone, a sustainable approach to development demands that we seek to realise the potential of the site.  Our whole life carbon analysis has concluded that demolition and new build is the optimum solution for this location. 

The proportions of the proposed new building are based on the emerging context of this area. The consented extensions to both the former Debenhams and former House of Fraser, to the east and west of the site, and the recently redeveloped Henrietta House to the north, set a new datum which the proposals for the new building respond to. 

The proposals respect the heritage significance of the adjacent Grade I listed St Peter’s Church and enhance it’s setting.  

To be confirmed but we expect the proposed new building to have a maximum capacity of c1,150 persons.

Unknown at this very early stage it’s 6 years before construction could commence, 8.5 years before practical completion.  The West End attracts a diverse range of occupiers. 

The client brief was to create: 

– Signature office building 

 – Modern aesthetic 

 – Resolves the townscape 

 – Respectful of heritage context 

 – Celebrates craftmanship 

 – Applies sustainability practically 

 – Generates exemplar workspace 

 – Revitalises the immediate area 

 – Delivers public amenity 

We seek to design an exemplar set piece building which optimises the site and respects and enhances the heritage context.  We don’t believe this necessitates a neutral architectural approach.   

The materiality of the highly crafted façade changes across the 3 elements of the proposed new building.  The primary Chapel Place block will be polished terrazzo.  The Chapel Passage building façade will be re-imagined and re-constructed using the existing 1920’s existing Ashlar Stone walling and stone cladding. The Entrance Tower will be Portland stone and faience fins. 

From our analysis of the Conservation Area and the immediate and emerging context we believe green to be appropriate as it provides a complementary contrast to the reddish bricks of St Peter’s Church.  

The proposed highly energy efficient Variable Air Volume (VAV) system provides 100% controlled natural ventilation by utilising 100% outside air to cool down the internal spaces where required.  Although this is a mechanical ventilation strategy that uses fans to deliver both cooling and fresh air to the internal spaces, it implements passive ventilation principles with a factor of controllability that will improve the overall heating and cooling strategy of the building.

The current proposals do not include opening windows to reduce the embodied carbon impact of the windows installations, given the use of the proposed hybrid fresh air ventilation systems.  Future replacement of glazing units as part of projected refurbishment works would be an option subject to the ever improving acoustic and air quality environment. 

The proposals do not trigger a requirement for affordable housing. The adopted City Plan encourages but does not require affordable workspace in developments.

The proposals aim to improve the setting to St Peter’s Church through substantial beneficial works to the surrounding public realm and through the introduction of a building of high aesthetic quality into the Church’s surroundings. The new building will serve to strengthen the urban square in which the Church sits, helping celebrate the Church as the landmark in this location. The development of the former Debenhams and House of Fraser buildings will change the context in which St Peter’s Church is experienced in the very near future. The proposals will add to, and complete, the improvement to the built quality of this context and enhancement of the Church’s setting.  Our building will also remove the cluttered roofscape that is the current backdrop to St Peter’s when viewed from Wimpole Street.

It is adopted highway under the control of Westminster City Council.

Our landscaping proposals assume the relocation of the TfL cycle stands.  The relocation is being progressed as a separate planning application with Westminster City Council and TfL.

No.  Wind studies have informed the proposed landscaping design.

The landscaping has been designed to lastThe owner will agree a management and maintenance programme with Westminster City Council as part of the proposals. 

Yes, it will be a free public amenity for all to enjoy. We intend for there to be free events and there will be obligation to buy anything when visiting the space. It will be calm and relaxing amongst the hustle and bustle of the Oxford Street area.

To be confirmed but we expect the roof garden to have a capacity of c260 persons.

Initial pre-application meetings have been held with Westminster and GLA officers.  We are now in the process of consulting with and gathering feedback from local stakeholders and interested parties in advance of a planning application submission.


  1. Located in the Central Activity Zone, where growth and intensification in Westminster should primarily be delivered.

  2. Delivers additional commercial floorspace in a manner that respects it’s setting through the sensitive replacement of an existing building.

  3. Contributes towards meeting the overall target of creating at least 63,000 new office-based jobs in Westminster between now and 2040.

  4. Contributes towards meeting the overall target of creating at least 445,000 sq m of new office-floorspace in Westminster between now and 2040.

  5. Incorporates exemplary standards of high quality, sustainable and inclusive urban design and architecture.

  6. Is sensitively designed with regard to the prevailing scale, heights, character, building lines and plot widths, materials, architectural quality and degree of uniformity in the surrounding townscape.

  7. Respects the heritage significance of the adjacent Grade I listed St Peter’s Church.

  8. Enhances the character and appearance of the Harley Street Conservation Area.

  9. Prioritises and improve the pedestrian environment, contributing towards achieving a first-class public realm.

  10. Makes a meaningful contribution towards the greening of Westminster.

  1. Revitalise the existing substandard public realm surrounding the site along Chapel Place and Vere Street
  2. Enhanced setting for Grade 1 listed St Peter’s Church.
  3. Provision of a new c3,300 sq ft Public Roof Garden.

The earliest works could start on site is Q3 2028.  Assuming a 2.5 year build (including demolition) practical completion would occur Q1 2031.